This page will describe a Qt5 programming procedure, and show how to use the Qt5 API during making the little project “Temperature Test for Android”
please refer to here here
Anaconda python 3.5 will have it already.
C:\>pip install PyQt5
Collecting PyQt5
Downloading PyQt5-5.7-cp35-none-win_amd64.whl (68.1MB)
100% |################################| 68.1MB 13kB/s
Collecting sip (from PyQt5)
Downloading sip-4.18.1-cp35-none-win_amd64.whl (46kB)
100% |################################| 51kB 1.7MB/s
Installing collected packages: sip, PyQt5
Successfully installed PyQt5-5.7 sip-4.18.1
please refer to PyQt5 Reference Guide
import and main
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QDialog, QMessageBox
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
myapp = GUIForm()
GUIForm class, QThread, QTimer, click.connect
class GUIForm(QDialog):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
self.ui = Ui_Dialog()
self.first_draw_flag = False
# directory name to read temperature
self.path_battery_temp = "/sys/class/power_supply/battery/temp"
self.path_cpu_temp = "/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone12/temp"
self.path_battery_capacity = "/sys/class/power_supply/battery/capacity"
self.art_script_thread = QThread()
self.get_temp_thread = QThread()
self.myTimer1 = QTimer()
self.myTimer2 = QTimer()
self.myTimer3 = QTimer()
self.myTimer4 = QTimer()
# bind widgets to relative call-back functions
# load icon to label
myPixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(os.getcwd() + "/phone.png")
myScaledPixmap = myPixmap.scaled(self.ui.label_9.size(), Qt.KeepAspectRatio)
font change
def btnstate1(self):
font = QtGui.QFont()
clicking the run button and timer call-back functions
def Run1(self):
if self.equipped[0] == False:
myInitParams = 0
timerCallback = functools.partial(self.RunTempTest, myInitParams)
if self.myTimer1.isActive():
print("Timer1 Already Active")
# thread to run the art scripts
self.art_script_thread = ART_Scrtipt(self.device[0], "")
call the plot function triggered by timer
def RunTempTest(self, idx):
global g_read_temp_flag
if self.test_result[idx] == False: # Test Error
if g_read_temp_flag == True:
if self.CpuTemp[idx] == 0:
QThread running for transfer a ART script
class ART_Scrtipt(QThread): # Power On/Off Thread
def __init__(self, device_id, test_script):
self.device_id = device_id
self.test_script = test_script
def run(self):
timestring = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())
str1 = '[' + timestring + '] '
print("%s Enter Test Script %s !!!" % (str1, self.device_id))
adbcmd.adbcmd(self.device_id, 'am broadcast -a "" --es "files" %s ' %(self.test_script))
QThread running for reading temperature from phone
class Get_Temp_from_Phone(QThread): # Power On/Off Thread
def __init__(self, path_battery_temp, path_cpu_temp):
self.path_battery_temp = path_battery_temp
self.path_cpu_temp = path_cpu_temp # XO_THERM
def run(self):
global g_device
global g_Cpu_Temp
global g_Bat_Temp
global g_read_temp_flag
# read temperature of a phone
g_Bat_Temp[count] <= value
g_Cpu_Temp[count] <= value
def stop(self):
self.exit_thread = 1
plot the graph with temperature
def PlotFunc(self, idx):
global g_Temp
if idx == 0:
pointer = self.ui.widget_1.canvas
X_data = self.lstX1
Y_data = self.lstY1
X1_data = self.lstX1_1
Y1_data = self.lstY1_1
pointer.axes.grid(color='b', linewidth=1)
if self.ball_crack_flag == False:
pointer.axes.plot(self.X_upper_limit, self.Y_upper_limit, 'r-', linestyle = '--')
pointer.axes.plot(self.X_center_limit, self.Y_center_limit, 'c', linestyle = '-', label='baseline')
pointer.axes.plot(self.X_bottom_limit, self.Y_bottom_limit, 'r-', linestyle = '--')
pointer.axes.set_ylim(int(self.save_low_temp[idx]-2), int(self.save_high_temp[idx]+2))
pointer.axes.plot(X1_data, Y1_data, 'b-', label='Temp', linewidth=1) # , 'b-', , 'g-' , marker='o'
Site_Name_title | Purpose |
20 Newsgroups | The text from 20000 messages taken from 20 Usenet newsgroups for text analysis, classification, etc. |
Amazon Reviews | Over 142 million product reviews for sentiment analysis, recommender systems, and more. |
Football Strategy | Thousands of scenarios to make the best coaching decisions. |
Horses for Courses | Horse-racing data for predicting race results. |
Human Activity Recognition with Smartphones | Sensor data for recognizing the human activity - walking, sitting, etc. |
Labeled Faces in the Wild | 13,000 named faces for facial recognition. Multiple training and test sets |
National Survey on Drug Use and Health | |
NORB 3D Object Recognition | Binocular images of 50 toy figurines for 3D object recognition from image. |
One Million Songs | Audio features and metadata for a subset (10,000) of the one million popular songs dataset for recognition/classification. |
SMS Spam Collection | A collection of 5,574 SMS (text) messages, some spam, some normal, for spam filtering. |
Hate Speech Identification | A sampling of Twitter posts that have been judged based on whether they are offensive or contain hate speech, as a training set for text analysis. |
Hidden Beauty of Flickr Pictures | 15,000 Flickr photo IDs that have received ratings based on aesthetics, for image analysis. |
Yahoo Instant Messenger Friends Connectivity Graph | Connections between Yahoo users who communicate with each other using Yahoo messenger, can be used to identify key social contacts/influencers. Add dataset to cart to access. |
Record of Heart Sound | Recordings of normal and abnormal heartbeats, used to recognize heart murmur, etc. |
Prostate Cancer | Tumor and nontumor samples, used to recognize prostate cancer. |
Wine Quality | Chemical properties of red and white wines (separately) and quality, for classification. |
Mushroom Identification | For hypothetically classifying mushrooms as edible or poisonous based on its characteristics. |
UFO Reports | 80,000 historic reports for classification or regression. This dataset has been standardized from the source data at |
Militarized Interstate Disputes | Nearly 200 years of international threats, conflicts, etc. for modelling or prediction. Includes action taken, level of hostility, fatalities, and outcomes. |
NBA & MLB Stats | Current and past season stats for teams and players for fantasy sports predictions. |
Sign Language | |
MusicNet | MusicNet is a collection of 330 freely-licensed classical music recordings, together with over 1 million annotated labels indicating the precise time of each note every recording, the instrument that plays each note, and the note’s position in the metrical structure of the composition. The labels are acquired from musical scores aligned to recordings by dynamic time warping. The labels are verified by trained musicians; we estimate a labeling error rate of 4%. We offer the MusicNet labels to the machine learning and music communities as a resource for training models and a common benchmark for comparing results. |
ProductHunt | |
1.7 billion Reddit comments | |
VQA2 | visual question answering dataset, now 2X larger |
UCI ML Repo | 351 datasets |
Hacker News | Full comment dump of HN |
FIRE | Fundus Image Registration Dataset |
LASIESTA | Labeled and Annotated Sequences for Integral Evaluation of SegmenTation Algorithms |
LAKH MIDI Dataset | Its goal is to facilitate large-scale music information retrieval, both symbolic (using the MIDI files alone) and audio content-based (using information extracted from the MIDI files as annotations for the matched audio files). |
Lamem | Large-scale Image Memorability |
Pratheepan dataset | Human Skin Detection dataset |
COCO-Stuff dataset | COCO-Stuff semantic segmentation dataset |
NewsQA | Maluuba’s News QA is a new machine reading comprehension dataset for developing algorithms capable of answering questions requiring human-level comprehension and reasoning skills. This dataset of CNN news articles has over 110K Q&A pairs. Questions are written by humans in natural language. Questions may not have answers and answers may be multiword passages. |
Awesome Public Datasets | A massive Github repo of accessible, public datasets. The datasets are not, by nature, completely clean and purpose-built for ML. |
ImageNet | The ImageNet project is a large visual database designed for use in visual object recognition software research |
Element List Scientific Data Directory | An online repository of links to free, publicaly available scientific datasets, mostly from university, industry, and government research programs. |
IMDB dataset | |
MSCOCO | Image segmentation and object recognition |
Google Books Ngrams | |
OpenML repository | Almost 20k datasets |
Enron Email Corpus | The Enron Corpus is a large database of over 600,000 emails generated by 158 employees of the Enron Corporation and acquired by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission during its investigation after the company’s collapse. |
German Traffic Signs | German Traffic Sign Detection Benchmark (GTSDB). The first was used in a competition at IJCNN 2011. |
SYNTHIA | 500.000 frames of annotated vídeo from a virtualcity. labels for stereo, optical flow, semántica segmentación, odometry… |
Elektra | over 20 different autonomous driving datasets: pedestrians, semantic segmentation, stereo… |
Cornell Movie–Dialogs Corpus | This corpus contains a large metadata-rich collection of fictional conversations extracted from raw movie scripts: |
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