Convolutional Neural Networks
refer to
- Let’s focus on a small area only (5x5x3)
- Get one number using the filter
- Let’s look at other areas with the same filter (w)
- In practice: Common to zero pad the border
- Swiping the entire image
- Convolution layers
- Pooling layer (sampling) & MAX POOLING
- Fully Connected Layer (FC layer) Contains neurons that connect to the entire input volume, as in ordinary Neural Networks
- ConvNetJS demo: training on CIFAR-10]
refer to
CNN Case Study
Case Study: LeNet-5 [LeCun et al., 1998]
Case Study: AlexNet [Krizhevsky et al. 2012]
Case Study: GoogLeNet [Szegedy et al., 2014]
Case Study: ResNet [He et al., 2015]
- Slide from Kaiming He’s recent presentation
- ILSVRC 2015 winner (3.6% top 5 error)
- 2-3 weeks of training on 8 GPU machine
- at runtime: faster than a VGGNet! (even though it has 8x more layers)